
Editorial 18 October 2017

This week we look forward to the Wired Open Day Festival with its art and agriculture synthesis, including Cat Jones’ participatory, diet-changing edible insect installation (image above), and we complete our extensive coverage of a thrilling 2017 OzAsia Festival with, among others, reviews of works that forecast radical change, featuring a tragic virtual pop star in The End and an autonomous singing android in Scary Beauty. Also this week, more change: Experimenta: Make Sense, an exhibition of the latest in experimental media art, and Soft Centre, a successful foray into expanding the creative dimensions of an electronic music event. And we look forward to Perth’s ever provocative Totally Huge New Music Festival, which includes a sublime 100-performer percussion work. All change for the better. Now, we’re off to Performance Space’s Liveworks. Keith and Virginia

Top image credit: Cat Jones, Insecta Delecta, Wired Open Day, promotional image courtesy the artist and Wired Lab

18 October 2017