photo Graham Farr
Angie Pötsch
Dancehouse’s Mixed Metaphor season of multimedia movement works will launch the MAP (Movement and Performance) season of dance events across Melbourne throughout June and July. Presented annually by Dancehouse, Mixed Metaphor provides a crucial platform for experienced choreographers and artists creating works which aim to push conceptual and kinetic attitudes and blur the boundaries between dance, text, sound, image, design, physical theatre and technology. The first week of Mixed Metaphor 98 features: an internet link-up between San Francisco and Melbourne, where text and body converge through a digital dialogue in Heliograph, devised and performed by Sarah Neville with Matt Thomas, Becky Jenkin, Nic Mollison, Nik Gaffney; an exploration of suburban architecture and secrets, Blindness, choreographed and performed by Gretel Taylor with Telford Scully, Renee Whitehouse, James Welch; a surreal mapping of the myth of St Sebastian inspired by the writings of Yukio Mishima in Out of the Schoolroom Window by MIXED COMPANY directed by Tony Yap. In week two, Margaret Trail performs ‘Hi, it’s me’, an investigation of the body’s relationship with transmitted sound; Christos Linou performs his portrait of addiction and the AIDS virus, FIDDLE-DE-DIE; Philipa Rothfield, with Elizabeth Keen, creates a conversation between logic and the body in Logic, and Angie Potsch paints and dances with light in temporal. The Mixed Metaphor season also features a number of site-specific installations: a collection of red books, Red herring, by Charles Russell; photographs of urban architecture by James Welch; Kitesend, a ‘moving’ installation employing paper sculptures, by Hanna Hoyne and Lou Duckett. At an open forum entitled metaphorically speaking on Sunday July 5 at 2pm, issues and ideas arising from the works in the season will be discussed. RT
Mixed Metaphor, Dancehouse, June 25-27 at 8pm & June 28 at 5pm; July 2-4 at 8pm & July 5 at 5pm
RealTime issue #25 June-July 1998 pg. 15