
Editorial 6 December 2017

This week we’re foregrounding dance with reports from Cleo Mees and Nikki Heywood on the Interchange Festival. Produced by Sydney choreographic laboratory Critical Path, it focused on issues of identity, ability and intercultural exchange via forums, workshops, dialogue with international artists and performances, including one by Bhenji Ra [image above]. At Campbelltown Arts Centre, in a brief sold-out season, Angela Goh premiered her intriguing new work about the female body, Scum Ballet, and is soon off to New York in early 2018 to present her 2016 work Desert Body Creep at PS122’s Coil Festival. At PACT, emerging choreographer Thomas E S Kelly and dancer Taree Sansbury premiered Shifting > Shapes, an intense account of physical transformation, performed alongside Fishhook’s FEMMENACE. Also this week, Gail Priest responds to Pipilotti Rist’s luxuriantly immersive retrospective, Sip My Ocean, at the MCA. In our next edition, the last for 2017, we’ll look back at some of the best shows and events of 2017. See you then. Keith & Virginia

Top image credit: Bhenji Ra, Interchange Festival 2017, Critical Path, photo Matthew Syres

6 December 2017