In this edition, we have more about Adelaide’s forthcoming OzAsia Festival, introducing you to idiosyncratic Hong Kong visual artist Doris Wong Wai Yin (installation image above). In our ongoing Arts Education feature, Nat Randall anticipates her 24-hour performance of The Second Woman for Performance Space’s Liveworks and looks back to her formative years at the University of Wollongong.
Democracy is being eroded on all sides: Australian copyright is under threat from the Productivity Commission, media ownership looks set to fall into fewer hands, the same-sex marriage postal vote creates an appalling precedent for non-compulsory voting and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s assault on pro bono lawyers defending refugees is unconstitutional. This at the very moment he is maltreating those for whom all Australians have a duty of care. Call the Government out. Keith & Virginia
Top image credit: A Place Never Been Seen is Not a Place, Doris Wong, photo Kwan Sheung Chi, courtesy OzAsia 2017