
Celebrating Dada

Kleine Dada Soirée, Theo Van Doesburg + Kurt Schwitters, 1922, lithograph, MoMA, New York

Kleine Dada Soirée, Theo Van Doesburg + Kurt Schwitters, 1922, lithograph, MoMA, New York

RealTime’s Found Reading feature provides you with links to insightful articles about the performing and media arts and arts politics.

In The New York Review of Books, the great (now retired) classical pianist, Alfred Brendel reports seeing six recent exhibitions, including performances, in Europe that celebrate the centenary of Dada. His incisive personal response sketches the history of the movement and the lives of its protagonists, paying tribute to artists, male and female, who challenged every kind of authority, above all, he argues, with laughter of a kind much needed now, in a period with a similarly pervasive sense of crisis.

Alfred Brendel’s “The Growing Charm of Dada,” The New York Review of Books, 27 Oct, 2016, is freely available on the NYRB website.

RealTime issue #135 Oct-Nov 2016

26 October 2016